Blog tagged as john bickert

Mother Theresa

Personal initiative is part of Spiritual Life. It is part of our freedom to chose how to act. When Charity reflects our love for God, and through that, we assist those in need, it is indisputable evidence of our love for God and, in turn, our love for others.

16.04.21 07:17 AM - Comment(s)
A Disability in India

India is a complex place, if you have ever been there you understand that once you get into the city you see people coming and going in all directions, all holding a variety of objects, selling, singing, children playing. It’s hard to keep your eye on one thing when there is always so m...

10.03.21 10:55 AM - Comment(s)
A Light in Darkness

We are amid worldwide changes. 2020 was a great challenge, and we hope that in 2021 we can surmount all the rigours life throws at us.

My 8-year-old grandchild, Joaquin, was interviewed today for a chance to move to a new school in Potomac, MD. He seemed to grasp the importance of the ...

27.01.21 03:22 PM - Comment(s)
5 Best Christmas Gifts That Cannot Be Regifted

The Christmas season is fast approaching, and for many people, it’s their favorite time of the year. There’s something irreplaceable about watching someone receive something they desperately wanted and the joy that lights up their face. Christmas is about giving and sharing—but for many around the w...

18.12.20 05:49 PM - Comment(s)
Female Literacy Is Important for Third World Countries


Across the globe, women often find themselves in underprivileged positions when it comes to education. Many women are denied basic access to schooling, and with this comes a lack of ability to read or write. Even if a family contains a man who is literate, women being unable ...

26.11.20 05:57 PM - Comment(s)
