- Raised: $7,000
- Goal: $25,000
Announcement: Dr. John Bickert's Visit to India
Dr. John Bickert will be available to see patients in New Delhi. Please find the schedule here:
Jivodaya Hospital, Ashok Vihar 1, near Deep Market and Ashok Vihar Police Station, New Delhi.
All consultations are free of charge. Referrals for family members and friends are welcome.
Updated Schedule:
In the afternoon on Thursday, Dr. Bickert will visit a school at the New Delhi dump to treat students to ice cream, generously funded by children in the U.S.A.
Return to Jivodaya Hospital:
- Friday, Nov 22: 09:00 AM – 12:00 PM & 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
- Saturday, Nov 23: 09:00 AM – 12:00 PM & 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
CFTW is Active in India Right Now!
Check back here for ongoing updates.

This trip's itinerary:
Jivadaya Hospital
New Delhi
Trip Updates #1:
- As scheduled, Dr. Bickert arrived in India. The airline, however, managed to lose his treatment table!
- Without the table, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to provide the care required.
- The airline promises to find and deliver it as fast as possible.
Trip Updates #2:
- Tuesday April 16th, Dr. Bickert visited 120 students at the New Delhi Dump School. They are children of rag pickers at the dump. CFTW bought and distributed ice cream to all the students and teachers.
- April 17th, the treatment table has been located! Table in hand, Dr. Bickert will travel North to Jalandhar, Punjab.
- April 18th 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Treatment Camp in Jalandhar, Punjab at Campus Physiotherapy OPD, Block 3-105, Department of Physiotherapy, Lovely School of Allied medical sciences, Lovely Professional University.
- April 18th 2:00 pm- 4:00 pm Guest lecture: Topic ~ Healing the Spine: the Holistic way. Campus Physiotherapy OPD, Block 3-105, Department of Physiotherapy, Lovely School of Allied medical sciences, Lovely Professional University.
- April 19th at 1.pm -5 pm Barnala Treatment Camp at St. Joseph's Convent School, Near Old Gaushala, Raikot Road, Sanghera, Barnala, Punjab-148109 (Dr. Bickert will also address the students in the morning of the same day.)
- April 20th Surhind Treatment Camp 10 am - 5 pm w/ lunch 2-3. Dr Sandhu Skin Laser Hair Center Byepass Road Sirhind, Punjab140406
CFTW thanks the contribution made by Honey Kaur and her daughter Mannat from Jalandhar, Punjab for seeking to find for us the manufacturer Powerhawke Enterprises for quality workmanship done on the suits at a competitive price. This was truly a group effort. We extend our sympathy to the manager of Powerhawke Enterprises in the recent loss of his mother.
Help CFTW and St. Mary's Convent School in providing education in Dhippanwali and other regions of India
Archbishop Kuriacose has been exceptionally supportive of our work in India and since 2016 has hosted Dr. John and provided opportunities to work in many rural areas throughout his diocese. He was the first to call Dr. John on his trip to India in 2016 and offered accommodation at his residence and throughout the 9 travels Dr. John has made to India.
CFTW owes a great deal of gratitude to Archbishop Kuriacose, Auxiliary Bishop Jose Puthenveettil in Ludhiana, and Bishop Gerald John Mathias of Lucknow for generously hosting Dr. John in their respective homes and residences.
It is because of their generosity, we have been able to continue our work in India. By making our work available to residents of your respective dioceses, you are all living and true examples of CFTW's theme, "God is Love". Thank You!
Video credit: Thank you, Bro. John Arakkal a Seminarian doing a Regency in Ludhiana helped produce the video. Thank you.
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