
More People Need You - Be Generous This Christmas 

Christmastime is here, and with it, the world shifts toward thoughts of gift, the joy of the season, and happiness. The sharing and caring, the demonstrations of love—these are what characterize Christmas and the jolly old man in red himself. For most people, the joy of the season is giving gifts th...

20.12.20 06:50 PM - Comment(s)
5 Best Christmas Gifts That Cannot Be Regifted

The Christmas season is fast approaching, and for many people, it’s their favorite time of the year. There’s something irreplaceable about watching someone receive something they desperately wanted and the joy that lights up their face. Christmas is about giving and sharing—but for many around the w...

18.12.20 05:49 PM - Comment(s)
Pandemic Leaves Poor Nations Farthest Behind

From the Pandemic to Poverty


As the coronavirus pandemic continues to ravage the majority of the world, it is typically developing countries and those with a high ratio of low-income individuals who are impacted the most. The World Bank, which often leads discussions on the anticipated ch...

14.12.20 05:59 PM - Comment(s)
By 2030, Africa Will Be Home to 90% of the Worlds Poor Population



Africa has generally been known as a continent where poverty is common and subsisting on a low income is the norm. However, the impoverished communities of this beautiful continent are growing, and by 2030, it is anticipated that as many as 90% of the world’s total poor popul...

03.12.20 05:39 AM - Comment(s)
Female Literacy Is Important for Third World Countries


Across the globe, women often find themselves in underprivileged positions when it comes to education. Many women are denied basic access to schooling, and with this comes a lack of ability to read or write. Even if a family contains a man who is literate, women being unable ...

26.11.20 05:57 PM - Comment(s)
