Mother Theresa

16.04.21 07:17 AM - Comment(s) - By BMI

Personal initiative is part of Spiritual Life. It is part of our freedom to chose how to act. When Charity reflects our love for God, and through that, we assist those in need, it is indisputable evidence of our love for God and, in turn, our love for others.

Saint Mother Theresa of Calcutta (Kolkata), winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, is known for her profound Charitable acts. Little over 4 feet tall, she was honoured and invited on the 40th anniversary of the United Nations to give an address to the General Assembly. As she strolled to the podium, the assembly hall was in complete silence. It was October 26, 1985, and her message of the sanctity of life and service to the poor and dying was the theme. An audience of more than 1000 representatives from over 150 member states all stood and applauded her for more than 10 minutes.  It was the most prolonged standing ovation I have ever seen.

Mother Theresa said, “I can feed only one person at a time.”  She also said, “Give until it hurts; then give some more.”   

When giving is difficult, it is a more extraordinary act of your love for others. Mother Theresa is an excellent example of the freedom of action in Spiritual Life. 

Do not miss your opportunity to help those in need with your gift. 

Please Donate Now. 

God Bless,

Thank you

Dr. John Bickert,




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