dr. john bickert

Blog tagged as dr. john bickert

Female Literacy Is Important for Third World Countries


Across the globe, women often find themselves in underprivileged positions when it comes to education. Many women are denied basic access to schooling, and with this comes a lack of ability to read or write. Even if a family contains a man who is literate, women being unable ...

26.11.20 05:57 PM - Comment(s)
The Health Situation in Third World Countries

The world is currently experiencing a severe disparity in wealth and opportunity, but it does not stop there; health and exposure to disease are also determined based on where you are born. The rich world typically has the luxury of living with even the most dangerous diseases thanks to advances in ...

25.11.20 06:22 AM - Comment(s)
No One Cares About Me

It is the story told by Dr. John Bickert of a helpless woman named Niton. She was suffering from a bad facial skin condition. Upon his visit, Dr. John met her, and when asked how is she doing, she replied, "No one cares about me." Let's read the story as it has been told:


How can we m...

19.11.20 11:13 PM - Comment(s)
Who has heard; Who can understand? 
Hansen’s disease is commonly known as leprosy. What relevance does it have to us living in the world today?  At 14, I was ignorant of the condition. Of cou...
18.11.20 05:54 AM - Comment(s)
SOPs for School Going Children Amid the Corona Virus

For marginalized children and youth, especially those living with miserable conditions, education is more than just attending lessons. For them, going to school is more like improving health, safety, nutrition, and lifestyle as a whole.


David Beasley, WFP Executive Director, says, &...

25.09.20 05:12 AM - Comment(s)
